3 ways to get to know us!
want to experience us on stage?
1. See our showreels!
View highlights from the wonderful Beggar's Opera, Trial by Jury, Nordic Noir and Peer Gynt performances. View highlights from the wonderful 2021 performance of the Coffee Cantata.

Want a fact snack?
2. Check out our blog
Topics include: the composers and peices we've chosen (including by J S Bach; Greig, Mozart and John Gay); our performers, soloists and chorus; our destinations; and aspects of production - translation, props and preparation for roles.

Want a longer overview?
3. Read our newsletters
These will give you an idea of the past productions we have tackled, their challenges and highlights, and the people who helped us on the way. We also muse on the music and maestros, their themes and times, as well as the values and that drive us as a company. Plus a little frivolity!

Want join our community?
We welcome all kinds of volunteers. There are opportunities for volunteers to learn and share skills our upcoming production of Peer Gynt.
Become a mentor or mentee. We particularly welcome skilled, creative, arts practitioners, perhaps retired Super Citizens, who are willing to act as mentors. We also welcome mentees who wish to benefit from the skills and experience of others.
Suggest someone for our Social Inclusion Program. It provides creative opportunities for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalised through disability or disadvantage.
Get a paid gig. Our productions provide work opportunities for professional musicians, singers, and actors.