We hire professional musicians, singers and actors!
Endangered Productions shows combine professionals with non-professional talent to achieve the highest possible standards of performance.
Our productions provide work opportunities for professional musicians, singers, and actors to complement our highly-talented amateurs.
We are hiring for our upcoming production of Ibsen's play Peer Gynt with music by Edvard Greig.
Get in touch about work at this performance
meet some of our professional musicians

other ways to join the community
We welcome all kinds of volunteers. There are opportunities for volunteers to learn and share skills our upcoming production of Peer Gynt.
Suggest someone for our Social Inclusion Program. It provides creative opportunities for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalised through disability or disadvantage.
Become a mentor or mentee. We particularly welcome skilled, creative, arts practitioners, perhaps retired, Super Citizens who are willing to act as mentors.
We love sponsors!
By becoming a private or corporate sponsor you will contribute to the creation of quality, accessible music theatre in Sydney.
Contact us and we will get back to you directly about opportunities in our upcoming production of Peer Gynt.