Four Centuries of masterpieces!
From Bach's coffee house in 1734 (Coffee Cantata) to Norway in 2020 (Virus - A Fugue), from John Gay's opera in 1720's to Manhattan in the 1960's (It's So Last Century!) we love what we do!
We set high standards, respect the creator's original intent and have fun along the way.
what makes us different

We perform neglected gems from any era. Our productions are respectful interpretations of the creator’s original intention with an eye to contemporary relevance.
We set the highest standards and will engage professional actors and musicians to complement our talented amateurs.
Our past success proves our productions are accessible and enjoyable for modern audiences.

Volunteers are welcome to assist in the numerous tasks necessary to mount our productions, including marketing, administration, social media, stage management, sets and costumes.
Our Social Inclusion Program also offers creative opportunities for people with intellectual or physical disabilities, mental health problems or who are socially isolated. You can be part of our valuable community.

Skill sharing
One of our aims is to pass on skills from experienced mentors to new performers and behind-the-scenes helpers - mentees. We have the veteran talent in performance, stage craft, music, dance, and arts administration in our team.
Our past productions saw talented singers with little acting experience become assured, convincing on-stage characters.
like to be involved in future productions?
We welcome all kinds of volunteers. There are opportunities for volunteers to learn and share skills our upcoming production of Peer Gynt.
Suggest someone for our Social Inclusion Program. It provides creative opportunities for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalised through disability or disadvantage.
Become a mentor or mentee. We particularly welcome skilled, creative, arts practitioners, perhaps retired, Super Citizens who are willing to act as mentors.
Get a paid gig. Our productions provide work opportunities for professional musicians, singers, and actors.