Endangered Productions is about music theatre
Endangered Productions is about the live music theatre created by our diverse, accepting community. Our productions show depth and artistic quality. Our ever-expanding community shows the breadth of our welcoming, inclusive approach.

what we do
Endangered Productions stages unusual, rarely-performed, music theatre classics using experienced and inexperienced performers, that delight audiences, and enrich the lives of members of our ever-broadening, inclusive community.
We pride ourselves the quality of our performances.
Works can be from any era, but the common factor is their artistic merit and underutilisation. They must offer something unusual or challenging, that invites innovation and becomes exceptional when experienced live in an intimate venue.
We retain the original intent and integrity of the creator using original scripts and scores, respectfully adapted and arranged to suit smaller, informal spaces (often similar to those in which they were originally performed). We also keep the work relevant to modern audiences, choosing works with universal themes and often making connections to contemporary ideas and issues.
Read about Our aims
who we are
We are a not-for-profit Company that deliberately creates a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere as part of mounting our live music theatre productions. As a result, we have a diverse and growing community.
At the core of our community are our Arts practitioners – the performers, the Creative Team and Production Team. Our Company has an abundance of ‘wisdom capital’. We have deliberately gathered retired Super Seniors, each with several decades of experience in the performing arts - theatre, dance, design, music, production and administration. They mentor our many emerging amateur performers, Creative and Production Team members to help them build skills and acquire experience required for an Arts career.
We support performance professionals by offering employment. Talented singers, musicians, dancers, and actors at all stages of their careers can “get a gig” with us. They like our Company because we offer unusual, interesting, and challenging work, at a time when Arts employment is becoming increasingly unstable. Sometimes, our performances are enhanced by invited collaborators or guest performers. The involvement of these guests, paid professionals and our Super Seniors, keep our standards extremely high.
Volunteers are the life blood of the Company. Whether in performances, behind-the-scenes activities, or Company business, our volunteers enjoy using their existing skills and developing new ones with the help of mentors, professionals, and peers. They like the camaraderie of working on something creative and worthwhile, in a friendly, supportive environment.
Meaningful occupation and acceptance are of most value to our Social Inclusion Program members – those who might otherwise fall through the cracks through illness, mental health problems, disadvantage or social isolation. They can volunteer and participate according to their interests and capacity.

The first thing that sets us apart from other music theatre companies is our focus on neglected or less-staged classic masterpieces. Unlike larger companies, we like to discover works that have fallen off the classical performance radar and lend themselves to smaller intimate, cabaret-style experiences. Unlike specialist companies that focus on a particular era, we seek out musical gems from any time period. However, we have the same dedication to performance quality, and to developing novel and innovative interpretations.
The second difference is our commitment to skills development and exchange within our Company community. We actively promote retaining, building and sharing skills with others. We harness the unique ‘wisdom capital’ of Super Senior elders who mentor performer and production mentees, and help volunteers learn other aspects of music theatre production. We see skills exchange between performance and production volunteers who also benefit from working alongside paid professionals.
The third difference is our commitment to grow a very particular kind of Company community – vibrant, diverse, and with a broad embrace. Everyone is welcome, and there is a role for everyone who wants one. All of our community members are respected for their particular kind of contribution:
- Our Super Senior mentors are valued for wisdom-skills that are the special harvest of age.
- Our professionals are venerated for their accomplishments.
- Our amateurs are admired for their talent, dedication and blossoming abilities.
- Our volunteers are respected for the skills and experience they bring, and for the new proficiencies they develop.
- Our Social Inclusion Program members are warmly appreciated as productive contributors to our community.
Like to Meet the team?
ways to join our community
We welcome all kinds of volunteers. There are opportunities for volunteers to learn and share skills our upcoming production of Peer Gynt.
Become a mentor or mentee. We particularly welcome skilled, creative, arts practitioners, perhaps retired Super Citizens, who are willing to act as mentors. We also welcome mentees who wish to benefit from the skills and experience of others.
Suggest someone for our Social Inclusion Program. It provides creative opportunities for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalised through disability or disadvantage.
Get a paid gig. Our productions provide work opportunities for professional musicians, singers, and actors.